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by (140 points)
imageNow plug you Xbox 360 power and av cable and turn on your Xbox. To turn it on poke the copper button on the middle of the RF module. Your Xbox will show the 3 red light error for about 1min 30 sec or so then it will just illuminate the 2 left red lights which means your Xbox is over heating which is precisely what we want since we require the thermal substance to melt a little so that the GPU, CPU and antminer bitmain s9 z psu heat sinks can make full contact.

The third main reason that the Xbox 360 will not turn on or work is due to the fact that the power supply might not be as safe as you think it is. Make sure that the power supply and Xbox 360 is plugged in right. It usually means that the power supply is disconnected from the electrical outlet if the power supply light is off. If you have actually confirmed that the power supply is linked to the electrical outlet, and the light is still off, there may be a problem with the power supply.

You need to replace the brackets or clamps holding the heatsink in location as a matter of course. You must also think about updating the heatsink also.

You will require to now take a look at the front of your Xbox 360 and locate the RF module. Get rid of gpu psu,gpu power the white plastic power cover. It pops right off by carefully pulling on the plastic piece. Eliminate the 3 screws from the front circuit board (aka RF module). When the screws are gotten rid of, you will be able toslide the RF module off the Xbox 360 with a mild pull. Be mindful not to touch any exposed circuits! Next, carefullyraise the motherboard out of the Xbox 360 casing.

The Red Ring Of Death is a problem in which 3 red LED lights radiance around the power button. This problem is triggered primarily due to 3 factors which are loose connections which may occur due to vibration or if the soldering is incorrect triggering dry solders and the last and most common reason is of the GPU getting overheated.

This board comes from Ultra Resilient 4 series that constructed for its toughness. With this features you got a complete security from your PC. This includes a double size copper PCB for maximum signal transfer at the exact same time power effective and cooler that provides you more tolerance for overclocking.

Connect the X-clamp back to hold the heat sink to the motherboard. Fix the hard disk back to its initial place, in addition to the DVD player. Put the console cover back and after that switch on the main power supply of the console. Your Xbox 360 must begin working effectively already.

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Ever since I started reviewing, I have been critical of Gigabyte – they seem eager to put out a product that works and quickly bring it to market, as shown by the number of 'first to market' features Gigabyte like to advertise.  The usefulness of these new features can sometimes be questionable, or could intially lack the grade of finesse we see on these features several months down the line.  Gigabyte is a very sales-driven company, with a strong marketing ethic, thus it sells a good number of motherboards, and is a top-tier motherboard manufacturer with hands in many markets.

Visit Website - https://www.igpinstitute.org/

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