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Peter Andre has revealed that he continues to straighten his naturally curly hair after being targeted by racist bullies as a child.

The 49-year-old, who is of Greek heritage, said that despite therapy he still sees 'what others called me' when he looks in the mirror. 

The mysterious Girl singer revealed that when his family moved from North London to Australia at the age of six, his English accent was another reason he found himself singled out. 

Sad: Peter Andre has revealed he still straightens his curly hair after being targeted by racist bullies as a child in Australia (pictured)

Sad: Peter Andre has revealed he still straightens his curly hair after being targeted by racist bullies as a child in Australia (pictured)

He told : 'I had an English accent, curly hair, a big nose - and we really stood out. I still straighten my hair because the curly hair reminds me of me being that little kid and those kids calling me what they did at school.'

He told the publication that his insecurities became even worse when he was a victim of an unprovoked knife attack in a nightclub. 

In his late teens, a gang pulled him into the bathroom and held a knife to his throat, and although he emerged, unharmed Peter revealed he was left with emotional scars.

Standing out: The singer said when his family moved from London to Australia at the age of six, his English accent was another reason he found himself singled out (pictured earlier this year)

Standing out: The singer said when his family moved from London to Australia at the age of six, his English accent was another reason he found himself singled out (pictured earlier this year)

Peter said he still doesn't like going to nightclubs now, saying: 'That's when I started to internalise the fear. I just bottled it up and thought, 'I'll be fine'. Because other people can't see it, they think you're fine, and you suffer in silence.'

Peter has previously spoken out about his desire to move back to Australia in a bid to be closer to his elderly parents.

His wife Emily, 32, told : 'It's a tough one. It's hard for him having his family there. At the same time we have kids who are at school here, my work is here, a lot of his work is here.'

Bullies: Peter said: 'I still straighten my hair because the curly hair reminds me of me being that little kid and those kids calling me what they did at school' (pictured in 1997)

Bullies: Peter said: 'I still straighten my hair because the curly hair reminds me of me being that little kid and those kids calling me what they did at school' (pictured in 1997)

She went on to say that while the couple have talked about the move, nothing has yet been 'planned'.

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